
Wednesday, November 19, 2014


blind side verb NORTH AMERICAN past tense: blindsided; past participle: blindsided
hit or attack (someone) on the blind side.catch (someone) unprepared; attack from an unexpected position.
About six weeks ago I had my very first mammogram. Yeah!
A week later was called back for another mammogram + an ultra sound. Ok.
Went home. Googled Breast Cancer. Not a good idea.
A couple of days later my doctor called, something didn't look right. Oh.
Was booked for another ultra sound (this time at the hospital). Ok.
A week later had the second ultra sound and was booked for a biopsy. Hmm?
A week later had that biopsy and was told that the results would be in in 7-10 days. Went home. Didn't google anything. A good idea.
Six days later (yesterday) found out that it was Ductal Cancer (in my left breast). Really? No family history. Healthy lifestyle. Really? I don't have time for this, I have a mosaic to finish...
Even after all those call backs I didn't see this coming. Blindsided.
Cancer. Ok.
The good news (yes, my 'good news bar' has been lowered) is that it's 'In Situ' (contained in the duct), non-invasive and the most common Breast Cancer. This is all very good news. Yes, Cancer can come with good news which made it all so much easier to tell our girls.
Yesterday was a very strange day. It came with some very bad news along with some very good news all of which had me thinking...what a difference a day can make:)


  1. You make me laugh and you make me cry. I love you conversation with BC and I second it, F U BC!

  2. Laughing ... despite ...
    Great positive sharing and helping to diminish the fear of the 'C' word. Also a good argument for women to have a mammogram. So glad the DCIS was detected early.
    Thanks Karen.

  3. It will be a joyous day - another example of the difference a day can make, when the doctor tells you the cancer is gone. You've kicked it to the curb with womanly warrior style and it knows not to even think of messing with you again. I trust you'll be able to share that wondrous news soon ... in the meantime, take good care and know that good energy and thoughts are being sent your way.

  4. wow, lost my breath, cried & smiled. " conversation with breast cancer' " Fuck You "
    Yup, that's you, YOU will win!!

    You are a beautiful artist & writer! You really take hard/uncomfortable situations and still bring a smile to our faces. Love & Hugs to you!!!!
    You are an amazing women!!!

  5. Thanks Robin,
    I like the sound of 'womanly warrior style'.
    I think it's in our genes - just ask Sue, M, Bren and Laura J:)
    I'm feeling the good energy and thoughts as I type!

  6. Ohhhh I needed this!!! Just now getting my news...not breast cancer.....4 kinds of the nasty stuff. Drs. Are still pouring over my ever growing huge file full of periaortic lymph node biopsy...biopsy results from pancreas, breast tissue and armpit and last but not least the PAIN FIL LED clavicle node biopsy. 6 CT scan results and supposed to have a "game plan December 5th. So the FULL YOU CANCER comments couldn't have came at a better time. New attitude tonight. THANKS TO YOU.....

  7. FUCK you cancer not FULL you cancer

  8. Hi Vicki,
    I'm so sorry...
    Glad I could help if just for one night. I'll be thinking of you on the 5th:)

  9. Laughter, tears and sharing can be good healers for body and for the spirit. I love the way females can reach out to each other ... . We're lucky, I think.

  10. Deb W.

    So sorry to hear the news, Karen.
    Yes FU Cancer! Having been through it (diagnosed more than 9 years ago, now - fist mammogram, too, and no family history, either), you're in the I have every right to be scared stage. Yes, googling is a bad However, is a resource that I found so helpful. There is a section on just DCIS. (Don't look at the other sections.)
    So much helpful information and wonderful ladies going through what you are right now, Karen. "Beesie" was quite an expert on it. She is likely still on the message board. Anyways, hugs to you, Karen. Call anytime, of course. P.S. A friend of mine went through it, too, very recently. You'd never know it. Women are strong people!! As are you, Karen! Beautiful artwork!!!

  11. Hey!

    Wow. wow. Never know how life is going to unfold.
    Just heard/read. Sorry to hear/read.

    Kick some ass! You got this. And yea, fuck breast cancer. Fuck all cancer.

    Love you, and love the perspective.

    Looking forward to seeing you over the holidays.
