I spent a lot of January on the road (so to speak:) with Six Owls and A Party. I've been going into Junior/Senior Kindergarten classes doing 'an author visit'. My visits include a reading of Six Owls and A Party, a short discussion about mosaics, followed by a mosaic project where the kids make their own mosaic owl.
The feed back from the teachers has been wonderful and the feedback from the kids has been better then wonderful (not sure if there's a word for that?).
It's been a while since I've spent any amount of time with such young kids (some are still 3!) - I'd forgotten how unfiltered, uneffected and cute they can be.
"You're really, really, really nice"
"WOW!!!, did you make that?"
"I love you"
"you look just like my grandmother"
"Author, can you help me"
"BYE Carol!"
Then there's one of my favourites - at the end of one of my visits the teacher asked if anyone had any questions before I left. A little girl put up her hand and asked, "what colour is your car?"
I smiled and answered her.
BTW, it's black:)
Wonderful experience for you and the kids and perfect ages for Six Owls and a Party -double bonus, reading and creating.