Monday, June 27, 2011

My sentimental pillows

A long time ago (1990, yikes!) Marathon Man and I took a trip to Vancouver. On that trip I brought along my very first Visa card which of course was followed by my very first Visa purchase. I remember it was a $300 Ralph Lauren chintz skirt (before kids I spent my money very differently!?!). It was all so exciting, when I left the store it felt like I was walking out with a freebie (so naive).
I loved my RL skirt. It was ankle length and had tons of pleats. I wore it a lot. But as styles changed it spent more and more time in my closet. Years went by before I finally decided that it was time for it to come out. And it did...
My very first Visa purchase is now not one but 4 lovely chintz pillows that I look at everyday and love. They're my special RL pillows with a little history and a lot of sentimental value.
As I see it my $300 went a long way:)


m said...

It's a beautiful, fresh pattern.
You should pass your blog on to Lauren. I'm sure he would be flattered to know how much his 'creation' was loved.
Quality endures - you could probably wear that skirt today bur it does make for nice pillows.

Little City Farm said...

Love the pillow but love the story even more!