August 2016, CANADA-East Coast
November 2015, New York City Marathon
Summer Road Trip 2015, USA-West Coast
July 25, 2015, Durham 1/4 and 1/8th Marathon
July 27, 2014, Durham 1/4 and 1/8th Marathon
March Break 2014, Stowe Vermont
September 21, 2013. Oasis Zoo Run.
August 9, 2013. I just want to run...
July 27, 2013. Durham 1/4 Marathon.
July 21, 2012. Durham 1/4 Marathon.
March Break, 2012. Barbados.
September 24, 2011. The Toronto Oasis Zoo Run.
July 16-20, 2011. New York City.
July 23, 2011. The Durham 1/4 Marathon.
June 6, 2011. Vibram fivefingers® follow up.
May 28, 2011. This is us, sporting our Vibram fivefingers®.

April 22, 2011. Hello Marathon Girl! Marathon Man has spawned a running side kick and couldn't be any happier about it. P.S. He's still running barefoot and loving it. He ran in his Vibram fivefingers® all winter!
Disney Vacation, Orlando Florida.December 30, 2010 - January 6, 2011

The Oasis Zoo Run, Toronto. Saturday October 16, 2010

The Underwear Affair, Toronto. Saturday August 28, 2010

Marathon Man goes barefoot! August, 2010
The Durham 1/4 Marathon, Oshawa. Saturday, July 24, 2010

WIN - Whitby International North Marathon, Whitby. Sunday May 23, 2010

NIAGARA FALLS, Ontario. Thursday March 18, 2010 (March Break)

Note to Niagara Falls: You need a makeover!